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  • Writer's pictureStephanie Sysak

Local vs. Corporate: How Local Pharmacies are Able to Keep Up with Large Corporations

Updated: Nov 30, 2022

CVS, Walgreens, and many other corporations/pharmacy chains seem to control the industry. Yet, hometown pharmacies have found sustainable ways to stay in business. While these corporations have the resources to manufacture medicines and lead Research and Development projects, they lack one important aspect of business: customer service.

In a time when customers are better informed and have high expectations for product quality and support, people want a pharmacy that can provide great service to ensure maximum productivity and product success. Patients are now focusing on their medicines and their side effects, the correct dosage, as well as when to refill their prescriptions. Local pharmacies specialize in giving this information simply but effectively, leaving the patient feeling safe and secure. In the modern day, this is something that nationwide brands seem to forget. While these corporations are glossing over customer service, local pharmacies are building relationships with their customers. This turns a trip to the pharmacy into more of an experience rather than a necessity. According to Hubspot Research, 93% of customers are willing to come back to a business that offers excellent customer service. Not only is customer service important on the customers' behalf, but having quality service can be a difference when it comes to winning over a recurring patient.

Local pharmacies have the customer service process down to a science, something they have created to stay in business and compete against these corporation-level pharmacies. However, these nationwide pharmacies have taken notice of this, and are now leading efforts to improve their customer satisfaction levels. The rise in healthcare consumerism is triggering a large-scale transformation in the pharmaceutical industry, especially with enterprise-level pharmacies. Patients have become active participants in all aspects of their healthcare decisions, including the medications and medical devices that are part of their treatments. To meet consumer expectations for personalized, value-based experiences, large pharmaceutical companies are transitioning to service-oriented business models. Instead of focusing on in-store customer service, pharmaceutical companies are working on telehealth customer satisfaction. The creation of accessible mobile apps to look at prescriptions and pharmacy locations is becoming a massive demand for customers. In the coming years, we should see an uptake in pharmaceutical technology for patients.

RepuCare partners with many local pharmacies that produce excellent customer service while being professionals. This high customer satisfaction level is bringing back customers, as well as bringing new business in. RepuCare helps provide pharmacy employees that have had quality experience, and are capable of maintaining relationships with patients.


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